Descended from the popular Gundam Extreme VS arcade series, Extreme VS-Force packs an incredible amount of fanservice into this modern revival of a classic game. Into this wasteland boosts Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS-Force, an installment in one of the most accomplished Gundam series that has never seen a proper English release. It’s hard to blame Bandai Namco considering that the various anime have never done as well as hoped in the West, but their ambivalence has turned Gundam fans into thirsty people in a mecha desert. Bandai Namco’s inconsistent treatment of the brand has resulted in many a nerdy tear shed as game after game debuts in the East, only to find that most never cross the pond.
To be an English-speaking, gameplaying fan of Mobile Suit Gundam and its many, many attendant properties is to ride a never-ending rollercoaster of expectation and frustration. WTF Of all the Extreme VS games to localize, why choose the weakest one? LOW Having to master obtuse controls in the first place HIGH The sheer speed of combat once the obtuse controls are mastered